This exhibition, presented in the gallery, was conceived in response to the outdoor exhibition entitled Danubian Dreams. The modules in Danubian Dreams display an acceleration in the architectural process: 5 international architects have created a model "village" on the banks of the Danube for the duration of the exhibition.
In the same manner, exhibiting artists from the Viennese scene in Bratislava conceals a deceptively simple situation.
An international exhibition, spanning a 64 kilometers or a one-hour train ride. The simple geographical relation should produce an abrupt, almost improvised transfer.
All the works exhibited attest to a singular encounter between the artists and the found object. Yet, far from falling back on the obvious, these works interpret a variety of complex approaches, sculptural, historical or geographical re-readings, constructed situations, interventions, or reworked decorum. Nonetheless, the modest finish of the works tends to efface the author's presence and infer upon the works a public status, an anonymous refinement.