gandy gallery

Gandy Gallery is pleased to present the new online exhibition of Eva Vaňová.

Creation and Project Mapping Through Children’s Eyes As a visual artist, I focus on participatory art projects that reflect social issues such as marginalization and segregation. 
My priority is to amplify the voices of disadvantaged communities and convey their experiences to the broader public through diverse installations. I create a dialogue between marginalized groups and the major society, with the aesthetics of my works serving as a bridge to capture the viewer’s attention and facilitate a deeper understanding of the explored themes. 
The project Mapping Through Children’s Eyes exemplifies such a participatory initiative. It explores spaces through the eyes of children from marginalized communities, such as Roma children from Luník IX and Jazero in Košice. The goal is to highlight the consequences of segregation, which impacts their lives from an early age, and to foster social dialogue about inclusion. 
The project outputs include more than 30 naive cartographic records by children, depicting their movement in familiar spaces. These lines and map structures were abstracted, embroidered onto canvas, and supplemented with real maps and blueprints, resulting in a series of paintings representing new maps of Košice as seen by children. These artworks reflect the spaces the children inhabit and create visually striking artifacts that also carry a powerful social message. They are accompanied by video documentaries capturing the context of segregation and interactive activities that nurture the children’s imagination. 
Through this work, I aim to engage a broad audience, create an inclusive space for dialogue, and contribute to overcoming prejudice, thereby fostering understanding and empathy among diverse communities.
Eva Vaňová

Eva Vaňová, born in 1999 in Košice, Slovakia. 
In 2020–2024 she studied Free Visual Art at the Faculty of Arts of the Technical University of Košice from 2020 to 2024. Currently she is attending the Environment Studio, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology.  
She specializes in working with marginalized groups and has long been involved in inclusive projects focused on different communities. 
Her art and work serve to overcome social and cultural barriers, often in combination with education.

Artist presentation [ PDF ]



gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 85x130 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 70x75 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 15x20 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery

gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 40x50 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 15x20 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas (acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 25x30 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 190x150 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 160x190 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 100x120 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 90x130 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 50x50 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery


gandy gallery

Untitled, 2024, mixed techniques on canvas ( acrylic, punch needle and yarn), 18x25 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Gandy Gallery